Modern architecture is often used in the construction of new hospitals. Many of these hospitals lack pleasing sense of Persian -Islamic architecture that can be effective in reducing the suffering of the patients. However, such an approach has been used to build hospitals in the era of Islamic civilization. Hospitals had different specialized wards, Kitchen, bath, prayer room and pharmacy. Libraries, lecture hall, as well as inpatients and outpatient clinics enriched the hospitals as medical education settings. In addition to strength in construction, some hospitals were an eye-catching beautiful building adorned with fountains and other decorations. Many hospitals were built in gardens close enough to physicians' home for better access and with pleasant decorations for the patients. The familiar elements of Persian Islamic architecture in the external and internal architecture of hospitals can be relaxing for patients who remain in hospital for long days; such approach has been neglected in the design of today’s hospitals despite its rich history in the Islamic civilization era.