Introduction: The development of critical thinking is one of the important goals of nursing education that prepare nursing students to quality care to patients in care environments. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of reflective debriefing of clinical experiences on nursing students' critical thinking disposition .
Methods: The present study is a two-group semi-experimental intervention study conducted on 44 nursing students in two intervention and experimental groups. The students were randomly assigned to the control and intervention groups. In the intervention group, reflective debriefing was performed using the Jones model. The students' critical thinking disposition was assessed with the Persian version of the California Critical Thinking Disposition Test.
Results: After the intervention, the mean total score of critical thinking tendency and the subscales of self-confidence, maturity, and curiosity in the intervention group was significantly higher than the control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion:The use of reflective processes in debriefing clinical experiences using structured models in clinical education is recommended.