In order to appreciate the efforts of the professors who, as referees in the peer review process, had a constructive cooperation with the scientific research quarterly of the development of medical science education horizon, a meeting was held on April 25, 2024 in the hall of the president's council of Qurashi building of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.

In this meeting, with the presence of the Director of the Center for Studies and Development of Medical Sciences Education of the University Mr. Dr. Hamidreza Kiani Far, the Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Development of Medical Sciences Education, Mr. Javad Sarabadani, and the Deputy of the Center for Studies and Development of Medical Sciences Education of the University and the Executive Secretary of this quarterly magazine. Mr. Majid Khadem Rezaian, honored 20 selected referees who had the most interaction with this journal during the last few years and actively participated in the refereeing of submitted articles.

This quarterly is published for free, which is double-blinded by several peer reviewers. In this meeting, the performance of the quarterly was evaluated and reviewed in 4 years. Based on the analysis conducted based on the data obtained from the journal system, in the last few years each article has been evaluated by an average of 4. On the other hand, the average arbitration time was about 14 days. In the continuation of the meeting, the participants made suggestions to improve the quality and quantity of the quarterly and at the end of the meeting, the judges were thanked.

A reflection of appreciation from the selected judges of Horizon magazine: