Background: From the beginning of history, the sacred profession of medicine has served human beings and therefore has a special spirituality and credibility. It is also described as a profession in different cultures and places, oaths and codes of ethics, duties and ethical values of physicians. Dentistry as a sub-branch of medicine is no exception. In recent decades, medical staff have been criticized for their lack of professionalism. In this study, we seek to explain practical strategies to improve the level of professionalism of dental students at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: In this qualitative study, three sessions of the advisory group were formed. Participants included 21 professors from Mashhad Dental School who were expected to be able to add new points due to their experience and field of work. Professors were asked to attend the session. These sessions were held in small groups, meaning that first a general explanation of the history and concept of professionalism was given, and then the professors began to discuss and articulate problems along the way. Professionalism and practical strategies to promote it. The participants' speeches were recorded and after listening to them word for word several times, then the solutions were categorized based on similarities.
Results: In this study, many strategies for promoting professionalism were presented, which were classified based on their similarity. The most important of these strategies include: 1- Being a role model 2- Appropriate and continuous communication with students 3- Ethics 4- General policies about professors 5- Establishing a friendly relationship instead of a top-down relationship 6- Continuous evaluation and 7- Doctrine-related lessons.
Conclusion: The content of this study has largely covered various aspects of professionalism and has provided many solutions to reform the structure and promote professionalism.