Volume 14 (2023)
Volume 13 (2022)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2017)
Volume 7 (2016)
Volume 6 (2015)
Volume 5 (2011)
Volume 4 (2010)
Volume 3 (2009)
Volume 2 (2008)
Volume 1 (2006)


Article View 776,070
PDF Download 487,242
Average Review Count 3
Average Review (Days) 12
Acceptance Rate (%) 47
Time to Accept (Days) 105



The Scientific-Research Quarterly of Horizon of Medical Science Education Development (HMED) researches in the field of medical education, including advances in educational approaches, presenting theories, researches and scientific achievements of professors and researchers, methods and other related topics, since 2015 under the management of the Center for Studies and Development of Education Mashhad Medical Sciences publishes and since the fall of 2019, the publication status has been changed to a quarterly and with the wide popularity of the audience (sending articles, reading articles) faced. Also, based on the approvals of the meeting of the Medical Sciences Publications Commission of the country, number 700/6370/D, dated 2023.09.20, this journal succeeded in obtaining a scientific-research rank.  HMED is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal.

This publication, which is published free of charge, welcomes original research articles in education, review articles in medical education, and collection and summary articles (educational methods and techniques), articles for the educational empowerment of professors in all fields of medical sciences and is supported by The finance of the educational vice-chancellor of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences is published.This magazine is currently indexed in the following databases:

EuroPub, Index Copernicus, NLM catalog, InfoBase Index, SafetyLit, ROAD, DRJI, CiteFactor, J-Gate, SIS, Google Scholar, Magiran, Civilica, SID , ICMJE, ISC


Original Article

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Original Article

Letter to Editor

Original Article

Comparing the effectiveness of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation training using "educational film" and "structured group using video self-evaluation" methods on the knowledge and skills of workers of the construction trade union

Esmail Abbaszadeh Mehrabadi; Majid Gheshlaghi; Soheila Barzegar; Mostafa Javadi; Khadijeh Nasiriani; Hossein Nazmiah; Hossien Fallahzadeh; Sajjad Reisi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 17 April 2024


Review Article

Original Article

Letter to Editor

Original Article

Review Article

Original Article

Review Article

Original Article

Letter to Editor

Original Article

Review Article

Original Article

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